Not Shadows

We are throbbing shadows in the faltering twilight–a human life.

Convinced, convicted, that we are shadows: symbiotic with cold, aimless existence.

Our very essence dependent on arbitrary light from elsewhere to flicker our momentary passing.

Without light from without, what are we?

No one pities the shadow when it passes.



We are not the shadows cast by the twilight,

we are the twilight in all its ineffable majesty.

We cast light round about to guide others to safety from the preying nightfall.

We radiate intense colour.

We emit the solace of starfall–an oasis of serenity in the dark.

Temporary, yet an indelible memory of rest to fellow sojourners in the dusk.

And not merely the tranquil twilight; the passion of dawn.

Temporal, passing, but irrefutable.

Vanquishing the night, defying it, casting a light which it will not last to see.

Churning out hope and light that others may traverse;

travel in knowledge, in safety, in confidence.

We are fleeting, but not as the shadow.

We are worth more, intrinsic, divinely woven–

brevity besieging the bereavement,

and yearning to blend with the summer breeze of humanity around us.

Let us be the passing light to one another.

Be the life-long moment of inspiration,

companions through this world,

until the next one dawns eternal.

Darkness Cannot Overcome

What is this darkness? It is inexplicable, unreasonable, indominable. It is insatiable. Never enough. Always with cries of ‘nevermore’ echoed anew in the metamorphic wake of each catastrophic episode. So few, so few eschew with otherworldly fervor the ways of abyssal terror–the depravity of the soul of man. Hellbent on our own destruction, and the destruction that births hell for the living left “surviving” the out lash of the greed and fear of mankind.

Incorrigible greed–a country spanning 11 time zones, yet seeks to consume more and more without respite. The inexcusable irresponsibility of the “free world” to own up to the sins that built their might. They seek ways even now to continue dark deeds. The Melting Pot which finds dross everywhere to purge; willfully, gleefully refusing to acknowledge it compromises the very alloy that is its strength.

People everywhere unwilling to yield power, concede equality, for fear a successive group may rain down the darkness and depravity that has come before.

Where are the heroes of light? The humans that stood boldly against the darkness with what little light they had, in the imperfections they had, to refuse to let humanity be reduced to a zeitgeist of fear, and hate, and despair. Where are the philosophers, poets, prophets. These used to be the lighthouse besieging the waves of depravity to guide souls to a repose of peace. Instead, schemers, propogandists, and zealots stir up the storm of human darkness.

Can such darkness be withstood? Is the good of humanity lost? Why fight in the face of unceasing devastation?

No. No.

If there is to be struggle, let it be for peace. If there is to be tumult, let it be for reason. If there is to be zeal, let it be to see justice and equality. If there is to be passion, let it be for good. If there is to be an unyielding spirit, let it be for patience. If there is to be an indomitable force, let it be for the understanding of another’s mind.

I must be a hero of light. The darkness will not be impenetrable. It may claim me, as so many before, but I will go down like a phoenix, and out of the ashes of the blaze new heroes will rise, and the darkness will not overcome it. I believe in a God that seeks the good of all creation. Humanity above all is precious. I will be loving. I will be joyful. I will be peaceful. I will be patient. I will be kind. I will be good. I will be faithful. I will be gentle. I will be self-controlled. Against such there is no law. Against such the darkness has no power. I will fight that uphill fight, likely never seeing the benefit in my time, that I might leave a better world, and example of a better way for those behind.

It may be behind enemy lines; it may be the enemy behind friendly lines, but I cannot yield. I have been consumed by something other than the darkness of the world, and this beacon will defy the dark maelstrom–guiding as many ships to shore for as long as it stands.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”